Barcelona es informal y además tiene su lado vintage. Madrid es más formal, y con su toque retro. Pero Berlín parece querer adueñarse del término “urbano” en lo que se refiere a expresión urbana de arte y moda, o arte en moda, o viceversa. Y lo que veo es que lo expresa mediante la gráfica aplicada al cuerpo y a la ciudad. El tattoo es hoy día muy popular por todas partes, pero en Berlín he notado que se exalta este arte corporal. Y lo mismo pasa con el graffiti. La ciudad imita el hombre y el hombre a la ciudad, camuflándose y ampliando el escenario donde expresarse.
Para mayores datos sobre Berlín y graffiti, tattoo y moda, podéis ver adidas Urban Art Guide Project y Stil in Berlin (os guío a un par de fotos de este magnífico blog: Lena y camiseta Kenzo post del 26 de agosto de 2009; Isabella y Lover dress post del 1 de agosto de 2009)
Each city has its own character, its style, and we find only a few example of major cities whose soul is made up of its own plus the addition of a multicolour blend, such as London.
Barcelona is informal and has its vintage slant. Madrid is more formal and has a retro bias. But Berlin seems to want to take over the word "urban" in regard "expression of art and fashion" or art in fashion, or the other way round. And I see it shows it through graphic applied to the body and to the city. Tattoos are popular everywhere nowadays but I've noticed that Berlin praises this body art as well as it does with graffiti. The city imitates men and men imitate the city, camouglaging one another and broadening the field to express themselves.
For further information about Berlin and graffiti, tattoo and fashion you can go to adidas Urban Art Guide Project and Stil in Berlin (let me take you to a couple of pics of this great blog: Lena and the Kenzo t-shirt, post dated August 26th, 2009; Isabella and Lover dress, post dated August 1st, 2009)
Fotos tomadas en Berlin / Pics taken in Berlin: