"Real clothes for real people" Bajo este lema Michael Michalsky diseña y produce ropa y accesorios que permiten a los consumidores expresar su propia individualidad, o eso lo que dice...
¿Pero como llegué hasta aquí? Mirando la revisita Tendencias de mayo, ví una chaqueta de piel negra con dibujo de flores y pájaros en azul y amarillo

Lo más interesante es que el 15 de mayo se abre su tienda online!!!!! Y estoy esperando el momento para entrar a verla. Una marca más que se suma al comercio electrónico tan de moda.
"Real clothes for real People" Under this motto Michael Michalsy designs and produces clothes and accessories that allow consumer to express their own individuality, or at least that's what he says.
But how did I get here? Flippping through the pages of Tendencias mageazine May issue, I saw this leather jacket with blue and yellow flowers and birds on it, which pulled out of me those word I can't help "I want it!" and then saw it was Michalsky's: designer born in Hamburg and settled in Berlin after attending the London College of Fashion and who during his time in Adidas (1995-2006) directed the Y-3 line of Adidas together with its designer Yoji Yamamoto. The most interesting part of it all is that on May 15th is the great opening of the online store!!! I can't wait to see it!! Another brand that joins the trendy e-commerce world.

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