lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2009
miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009
080 and Josep Abril
Hoy he tenido la suerte de asistir al desfile de Josep Abril, pero no me voy a dedicar a mostrar fotos de sus modelos o describir la colección PV2010 N25 Levitation, cargada de blancos y transparencias para
080 Barcelona Fashion is a catalan platform devoted to the independent designers, such is Josep Abril, Teresa Helbig, Jan Iú Més, Joan Fábregas (website currently under construction) and some others, which takes place in Barcelona between Spetember 2nd and 4th.
Today I was lucky to attend the Josep Abril show but I won't develop here photos of the SS2010 N25 Levitation, full of white and transparencies for men (like the transpartent white jacket that wore Jon Kortajarena), since the specialised magazines will take care of this task in detail. I just wanted to share a couple of pics with you, which I have taken after the catwalk.
viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009
Barcelona es informal y además tiene su lado vintage. Madrid es más formal, y con su toque retro. Pero Berlín parece querer adueñarse del término “urbano” en lo que se refiere a expresión urbana de arte y moda, o arte en moda, o viceversa. Y lo que veo es que lo expresa mediante la gráfica aplicada al cuerpo y a la ciudad. El tattoo es hoy día muy popular por todas partes, pero en Berlín he notado que se exalta este arte corporal. Y lo mismo pasa con el graffiti. La ciudad imita el hombre y el hombre a la ciudad, camuflándose y ampliando el escenario donde expresarse.
Para mayores datos sobre Berlín y graffiti, tattoo y moda, podéis ver adidas Urban Art Guide Project y Stil in Berlin (os guío a un par de fotos de este magnífico blog: Lena y camiseta Kenzo post del 26 de agosto de 2009; Isabella y Lover dress post del 1 de agosto de 2009)
Each city has its own character, its style, and we find only a few example of major cities whose soul is made up of its own plus the addition of a multicolour blend, such as London.
Barcelona is informal and has its vintage slant. Madrid is more formal and has a retro bias. But Berlin seems to want to take over the word "urban" in regard "expression of art and fashion" or art in fashion, or the other way round. And I see it shows it through graphic applied to the body and to the city. Tattoos are popular everywhere nowadays but I've noticed that Berlin praises this body art as well as it does with graffiti. The city imitates men and men imitate the city, camouglaging one another and broadening the field to express themselves.
For further information about Berlin and graffiti, tattoo and fashion you can go to adidas Urban Art Guide Project and Stil in Berlin (let me take you to a couple of pics of this great blog: Lena and the Kenzo t-shirt, post dated August 26th, 2009; Isabella and Lover dress, post dated August 1st, 2009)
Fotos tomadas en Berlin / Pics taken in Berlin:
miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009
A graphic touch for your feet this Fall

If you'd like to step into this Fall with a graphic and colorful note, Custo Barcelona has created this unisex line of sneakers, which comes from size 36 to 40 for women nd 40 to 45 for men. They've just arrived at the stores and I've already gotten a pair of GREY MEDUSE, the ones with a combination of grey and pink tones...comfortable and perfect for a different touch to our winter attire.
sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009
Depende desde dónde las mires
Sin embargo, la corbata es un accesorio más que se puede traducir tanto en sofisticación o elegancia, como en originalidad, y ser un elemento completamente integrado en el "look" urbano.
Aquí comparto con vosotros algunas de mis favoritas y que uso algunos fines de semana. De izquiera a derecha: Rivetz of Boston, dos Polo by Ralph Lauren, J. Lindeberg y El Ganso.
If you live in Barcelona wearing a tie is, very generally speaking, almost restricted either to those "grey" clerks who work in those "grey" offices or to big comany's executives. Ties are also associated with the idea "...they are worn mostly in Madrid, since they're more formal". So ties don't particularly enjoy a good reputation among the locals, unless we refer to the Santa Eulalia or Furest clientele.
However, ties just belong to the world of the accessories and can convey elegance and sophistication as well as originality and thus, they are completely integreted into the urban look. You can wear them with a Ben Sherman short sleeve Ginham shirt, or Fred Perry or Merc polo.
Above I share with you some of my favorite ones, which were some weekends. From left to right: Rivetz of Boston, 2 Polo by Ralph Lauren, J. Lindeberg and El Ganso.
martes, 4 de agosto de 2009
Con el cuchillo en el cuello by Adriana Tous
Y nunca mejor dicho! El sábado pasé por el taller que Adriana Tous, orfebre, tiene junto su con un colega de su profesión en la Plaza Sant Agustí Vell, 15, en el "fashionable" barrio del Born, Barcelona.
Para qué deciros que cuando vi este colgante y cadena me quedó grabado en la cabeza, y hoy he ido a por él.
Podéis ver más trabajos de Adriana en
With the knife at my throat - by Adriana Tous
And never better said! Last Saturday I passed by Adriana Tous's studio. She has this workshop together with a friend and both of them are goldsmiths. This beautiful and cozy place is located in the heart of the also beautiful Plaça Sant Agustí Vell, 14, in the fashionable neighborhood of El Born, Barcelona.
It's useless to say that when I saw this original necklace it stayed on my mind and I came back for it today!
You can see more Adriana's works at
domingo, 2 de agosto de 2009
Daniela Mazzotta o la sobredosis de energía

Tras un tiempo sin escribir decidí comenzar de nuevo con la persona que puede ser mi gran despertador en momentos de letargo existencial.
Daniela Mazzotta, producto de materia prima italiana, con proceso de perfeccionamiento de 8 años en Londres, y asentada en Barcelona desde hace 7 ( acerca la hora de nuevos cambios???) se dedica tanto al mundo rutinario de la empresa, donde también viene cosechando éxitos, como al del arte. Y cuando digo arte me refiero más exactamente a pintura y algunas incursiones en el diseño de moda y de interiores. En pintura tiene una extensa serie de trabajos, muchos de ellos expuestos hace poco en la galería Gracia Arts Project. El no incluir fotos de sus obras aquí está hecho a drede par que visitéis su página web Che Zafoart, mismo nombre con el que se la puede encontrar en Twitter.
Daniela es una fuente constante de energía e inspiración, que se transmite no sólo en su vida sino a la vida de todos lo que tenemos la suerte de estar a su alrededor. Mirad sus trabajos y dejaros invadir por ella.
Whoever meets Daniela for the first time is at risk of being assaulted by an expansive energetic wave that leaves you no way out. And who survives its effects can share with her the positivism of life.
After a while away from my blog I decided to start writing again about the person who can be my personal alarm clock in moments of existential lethargy.
Daniela Mazzotta is an italian product perfected during 8 years in London, settled in Barcelona 7 years ago (tic...tac..tic...tac....maybe time for a change????) and successfully devoted as much to the routinary business world as to the arts. And by "arts" I mean painting and some foray into fashion and interior design. In painitng she has a good amount of works, many of them shown at the Gracia Art Project gallery a short time ago. Not having included any pics of her works here is totally on purpose for you to go and check her webpage Che Zafoart, artisitic name used for all her paintings. You can also find her on Twitter.
Daniela is an endless source of energy and inspiration which are conveyed not only througout her life but also to the life of those who are around her. Have a look at her work and let yourself overwhelm by her.
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